Lawrence Adolph Pohl - Online Memorial Website

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Lawrence Pohl
Born in New Mexico
48 years
Family Tree
Life story
This is more of a after life story  but is tied to how Larry  and kids and grand kids felt about each other .

I spent a very enjoyable afternoon  with your  daughter Alicia and two of her girls .  Your oldest  grand baby is graduated from HS and working   like  a big  ole  grown up girl .
Larry , it is  a real heart ache to watch  your  kids and their  kids  , knowing that  they were  your  riches  here on this earth . they were  your gold  .
 Your  girl Alicia  is still broken hearted  and  grieving  hard  for her loss of her daddy . She comes out here every summer  to clean  your  grave  and  lay flowers on every ones  grave   Her and Jose keep  the brush  from  taking over  and  keep the  silk flowers  fresh . It is a journey  of the  heart that she makes  every year .  I bet you feel all the  love  she  holds in her heart for you  even  clear over there on the other side .


July 18, 1975

I'm going to start this around his 16th B-day

Larry was the kind of guy that always needed to see what was over the

 mountain or around the next curve .
US hyw 60 runs East to West right in front of the
place we spent most of our growing up years, and that hyw had a hold of his imaginanation from a very young age, we lived
a little more than 13 miles from town but he thought nothing of walking

 to school of a morning, One day at around the age of 16
it seems that he just stepped up on that blacktop and walked on down that

line, by the age of 20 he had pretty much hitch
hiked coast to coast and seen alot of the north
and south parts of the USA.
Around age 21 he was in Denver Colo. and found what he had been looking for,
he became a daddy to a baby girl Alicia,I may be off a bit on the some details

 and if so, there is still an ex wife or 2 around that maybe will set me straight,

 I'm not off by much because he showed up on his 21 B-day at my door in

Odessa, Texas got throwed in jail for the night  for public drunkenness before he got to drink more than a swallow of the B-day drink I had bought him,, and not more than 3 months later he was back with a wife and  baby Alicia working as a floor hand on rig 21 in the oil fields for 6 months or so. then back to Denver ,3 years later one more baby girl Sara, then in New Mexico  2 years later a Larry jr. and for the rest of his life he was a loving, hands on , involved dad. He tried

a few different kinds of work,cut fire wood,built pipe gates,ranch hand he was a house mover in Albuquerque a couple of years till one fell on him,then in the

 early 1990's he gathered up his 3 kids shook off a divorce #4 I think  in Albuquerque ,and went back to Denver where he climb up into a cab
of a rig and had found his 'place in the sun' so to speak, he married a few more times and his kids grew up,when that happened he moved into that sleeper

 him and his dog Casey and to see what was over the hill and around that curve ,then something happened that almost had him again,grand baby

 daughters(6 in all) he didn't buy a house but he sure seemed to be 'home' a lot more. He rented a basement /kitchenette in Denver, sometimes

 he would call me of a weekend evening and have all six of them girls for

the night and be loving it all bragging how the older ones and him had cooked

and fed the younger ones  and cleaned up.
 If there is a way for a man to love someone more than Larry loved his kids

it was Larry with them grand daughters. The nieces and nephews  and younger cousins had a special place in his life as well,,
As a footnote here don't be to hard on him about the multiple marriages
our dad was working on a 6th divorce when he passed away in 1990 so it sorta runs in at least one half of the family tree; some get married once and for

 life some get married a couple of times to the same partner for life and then

 some just gotta see what's over the hill and around the curve,,,
Larry was a special person as a dad and grandpa he was a man that stood

up to his responsibilities with pride. As a brother he was there a few years back when I hit a rough spot, if not for his love and financial help I would of been in a tight. As a truck driver I've heard  some really
complementary things from his friends and fellow drivers,As the one person in all our family that called everyone regular and yes he was a gossip that's what kept the family in touch and knowing the family 'buzz' HE WILL BE SO MISSED.

 HE WAS SO LOVED AND NEEDED BY ALL of US from the youngest to the oldest.

 For the special person that he was Thats what he was NEEDED for even

 the less then family orientated he had patience with and really tried to see both sides..